The Hazen Bay seasonal camping lottery application process for 2025 will be available on January 6th. The application process for 2025 will take place online. A link to the online application will be available on both the homepage and the Hazen Bay page at Deposit checks should be mailed to Hazen Parks and Recreation at PO Box 717, Hazen ND 58545 along with your registration confirmation. Applications and deposits will be due by February 7th. The lottery will be held at 12:00 pm at Hazen City Hall on February 14th.
The link to the 2025 Seasonal Camping link is posted below. The link will open on January 6th and close on February 7th. Please remember to submit your registration confirmation and you $200 deposit check, no later than February 7th, to:
Hazen Parks and Recreation
PO Box 717
Hazen, ND 58545
Deposits must be in the office no later than February 7th!
Write a brief overview of your organization here. This content is important for website visitors as well as search engines indexing your website. Keep this description relatively short. A single paragraph is perfect. Make sure you include keywords such as your sport, city and state.
The Registration "Home" is not currently available.
The Registration "Home" is not currently available.
We had a glitch with our credit card processing company this morning. They had set a limit on transactions during an hour and we surpassed that number. This is a fraud protection issue on their behalf. The issue should be resolved.
If you were booking a reservation and your transaction was being declined, you will need to rebook your reservation.
I apologize for the inconvenience. This was not something that we were aware of.
Thanks again for you patience.
Due to all of the rain today, a varsity game this evening and continuing rain tonight, the Hazen School has asked us to stay off of the field tomorrow. With that, we will be cancelling our 5th and 6th grade games for tomorrow. I will be working with the coaches and the Underwood/Washburn coordinator to reschedule the games. We will either make them up during the other Saturdays or add a week at the end.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
The reservation website is not working properly. I am on attempting to figure out the issue with bookings. I have pulled the reservation links until I can figure it out. I plan on re-opening the Website at 8:00 on Tuesday, March 12th. I apologize for the inconvenience.
The reservation website is not working properly. I am on attempting to figure out the issue with bookings. I have pulled the reservation links until I can figure it out. I plan on re-opening the Website at 8:00 on Tuesday, March 12th. I apologize for the inconvenience.